For in-person sessions I meet with my students at the Geisel Library at UCSD, and they absolutely love it!
Here are the top three reasons why:
The Campus:

Even before stepping foot inside the library, the central campus is a beautiful sprawl of art and design. There’s fun installations everywhere, and on the way inside you’ll pass by the crooked house that never fails to put a smile on your face.
But then we get to the library: If you’ve never seen the Geisel library in person, it is an absolutely astonishing work of architecture. Towering high above the campus with its distinctive layered design, there’s simply nothing like it anywhere else in the world. Inside the library is a gorgeous and welcoming environment filled to the brim with any and all arrangements of tables, sofas, and chairs for maximal studying (and occasional relaxation).

Something you’ll also find in the library are the scribbled-on white boards, which takes us to the next reason…
The Intellect:

As you walk around the library you’ll see white boards containing all manner of fascinating material, whether it be a diagram of a neuronal synapse, a large set of matrix multiplication, or a ten step marketing proposal. Not only will you see this all around, you’ll also overhear deep and ponderous discussions of students taking part in furthering their education. It’s a place that truly inspires curiosity, and gets my students even more engaged in their own studies. I’ve even personally witnessed a group of UCSD students erupt in celebration as one of them had just discovered they had been accepted to an internship at Microsoft!
It’s inspirational to be certain, and It also inspires them in one other way…
The Culture:

The Geisel library is one of the pillars of UCSD student culture. All around are students learning, interacting, and just plain having fun! For high school students this experience is a rare and delightful peek into their own future that very much inspires them. My students really enjoy being in such an environment, with some even bragging to their friends about the privilege!
But most amazingly, so many of my students have reported a greater interest in attending college after a few meetings at Geisel: they had no idea that college (and a library) could be so much fun!
If this sounds like something you’d like for your own student, give us a call or text anytime 858-735-6996 to get started today!